The “Collegium Augustinianum Gaesdonck” – in German simply known as “Die Gaesdonck”, is a leading boarding school in Germany with resident and non-resident students, both male and female. “Die Gaesdonck” is a secondary school (“Gymnasium”) but incorporates also a music school, an art school, a junior business school and a children’s college. Gaesdonck offers broad educational possibilities and "G9" as well. “Die Gaesdonck” was founded by the Münster diocese in 1849 and it has remained a modern private school ever since. Full boarders, day boarders and day pupils harmonize very well in the unique environment. From this point of view “Die Gaesdonck” is very well established in the educational system of the Lower Rhine area and is attractive to families throughout Germany and abroad. The triad of Christian Living – Community Awareness – and the Development of Talents stands for our educational approach which prompts us to focus our attention where it should be, namely on the students. 