The Center for English Language & Orientation Programs について
1975年に設立されたCenter for English Language and Orientation Programs ( CELOP )は、英語の学習を必要とする学生へ目的を達成するために、毎学期400人の学生に高いレベルの英語教育を提供しています。 CELOPの学生は、英語のレベルが似ている学生と一緒に授業を受け、 CELOPの快適な学習環境は、学生が経験豊富な教師から生徒の学習目標を最大化できるようにします。 CELOPのプログラムは、初心者から上級者まで、さまざまなレベルの言語能力を備えた学生のニーズを満たす為に進歩的で独創的なカリキュラムを提供します。クラス分けテストの結果で中級からそれ以上の実力を備えたCELOPの学生は、学生の個々の必要に応じた選択科目と特定の目的に焦点が合わせされた英語の授業を受講することができます。 CELOPの学生は、ボストン大学の27の図書館、言語ラボ、電子メールやインターネットを利用することができるマルチメディアコンピュータルーム、無料家庭教師、進学相談室と就職相談室などすべての教育施設や機能を自由に利用することができます。 CELOPはまた、学生がボストン大学内にある400以上の学生サークルや週間の読書会などに参加したり、 CELOPで主催するボストン周辺の観光を一緒にしながら、さまざまな活動をすることを強くお勧めします。 CELOPは、アメリカの大学の語学学校の連合体であるUCIEP (元米国大学集中講座連盟)のメンバーです。 CELOPのすべてのクラスは、ボストン大学の教員によって進行がされます。また、すべての教員は修士以上の学歴を持ちで、長時間の留学生に英語を教えた豊富な経験の持ち主です。多くの教授が国際的に認められているESL教材の著者であり、専門性を増すために、定期的に教育を受けています。
ボストン大学 について
国を超えて来た留学生と学者たちが多く、ボストン大学は国際的に多文化的な教育環境でよく知られています。学生は、全世界からの留学生たちと一緒に共通の学業と生活環境を共有します。 Charles川の周りのBUのキャンパスは、歴史と現代的な感覚、安らぎと活発さが共存するユニークな環境を提供します。川沿いの静かな公園で、Commonwealth Avenue地域の都市的な魅力をすべて備えただけでなく、Bay State Roadの歴史家と最新の設備の研究室や教室があるBoston Universityは、学生が必要なすべての設備と環境があります。
CELOP students are guaranteed BU Housing for eligible programs. If you are applying for BU Housing, you can indicate your room preferences and BU’s Housing office will then assign you based on availability. Specific room preferences cannot be guaranteed. You may be assigned to a single or a quad room in a small brownstone building or a large residence.
Students ages 17-25 that are enrolled in intensive 12- or 16-week programs have the option to live in the BU dorms.
Indicate that you want housing in your CELOP Application - Be accepted into an eligible program - Receive instructions on how to submit an Online Housing Application - Apply - Receive room assignments
You can choose your preferred type of house when using the online housing system.
There are 7 types of choice and you can choose 4 types in the preferred order.
-Apartment for One Person
-Single Bedroom In Apartment
-Single Bedroom In Suite
-Single Bedroom In Dorm
-Shared Bedroom In Apartment
-Shared Bedroom In Suite
-Shared Bedroom In Dorm
*BU Housing does not provide bedding, towels, or pillows. You will need to bring those items or purchase them when you arrive in Boston.
*Boston University does not provide housing for married couples or students with children.
*You are unable to change your mind or cancel once you enter your electronic signature (BU ID number) and sign the agreement in your application.
*All students assigned into traditional-style residences will automatically be enrolled in a dining plan.
*Boston University has a variety of dining options available for students across the campus.
1. Large Traditional-Style Residences
- West Campus (Claflin Hall, Sleeper Hall, Rich Hall)
- Warren Towers
- Myles Standish Hall
- Kilachand Hall
- The Towers
- 1019 Commonwealth Avenue
- Danielsen Hall
- 575 Commonwealth Avenue
2. Small Traditional-Style
- East & Central Campus Brownstones
- South Campus Brownstones
- Bay State Road Brownstones
3. Apartment-Style Residences
- East Campus Apartments
- South Campus Apartments
4. Student Village
- 10 Buick Street
- 33 Harry Agganis Way
5. Fenway Campus
- Campus Center & Student Residence
- Riverway House
- Pilgrim House
- Longwood House
Fall 2023 CELOP BU Housing and Dining Plan Rates
Move In Date: 2023, September 11/ September 12/ September 13 from 10am-4pm
Move Out Date: By Saturday, December 16, by noon.
Type of Residence
Double, triple, and quad room (standard minimum rate)
Multiple-occupancy room in suite
Suite in 1019 Commonwealth Avenue or Myles
Single with private bath
Single without private bath
Apartment with two or more students
Apartment with one student
Single room in apartment
-Housing assignments are based on availability.
-Dining/Meal plans are used for all-you-care-to-enjoy dining halls at any of the residence dining rooms.
-If you are assigned a dormitory-style residence, you are required to choose one of the dining plans.
-Each meal plan includes a set amount of Dining Points* based on the type of plan and length of your program.
Dining plans
Number of meals
Dining points
Open Access Unlimited Plan
Unlimited Meals
Open Access +
Unlimited Meals
Kosher Plan
11 meals/week
Weekly 10 +
10 meals/week
Description of Dining Plans
-Open Access Unlimited Plan: Unlimited visits to any residence dining room during any meal period, with Dining Points
-Open Access +: Unlimited visits to any residence dining room during any meal period, with Dining Point
-Kosher Plan: Access to all meals served in the Fresh Fuel at Granby Commons Room, including Shabbat meals, festive meals, and Passover Seders, plus Dining Points for additional food purchases.
-Weekly 10 +:10 visits per week to all-you-care-to-enjoy dining hall
*Students residing in University dorms are required to purchase a meal plan and will be automatically assigned the Open-Access Plan and have the option to upgrade to the Open-Access + or Weekly 10+.
저는 2023년 가을학기 12주 수업을 들었어요.저는 12주만 계획햇기때문에 intensive 25를 선택해서 선택과목도 고를 수 있었어요.수업은 다들 모두 친절하고 뭐든 도와주려 하는 분위기가 너무 좋았습니다! 영어 레벨테스트는 수업시작 한달 전에서 한국에서 온라인으로 했어요
다양한 나라에서 모여서 고유 음식들을 가져오며 파티도 하고,할로윈 파티 크리스마스 파티등 행사도 많았어요. 처음엔 걱정이 많았는데 학생들도 선생님들도 RA( 기숙사에 체류하면서 국제학생들을 도와주는 보스톤대학교 학생들이 아르바이트)들도 다 너무 좋은사람들이 있어서 너무너무 잘 지낼수있었어요!
저는 기숙사를 신청할 때 기숙사 신청은 4개의 선택에서 아래의 순서대로 신청을 했어요 . 보스톤 대학교는 학교주변이 모두 기숙사에요
1순위: Apartment for One Person
2순위:Single Bedroom In Apartment
3순위:Single Bedroom In Suite
4순위: Single Bedroom In Dorm
그런후 저는 2 Raleigh (랄리로 발음)St. Boston MA 02215, 기숙사로 배정이 되었어요
뷰가 넘 이쁘다네요 근데 화장실이랑 샤워실이 복도에 공용4층에서 사용했고 이 기숙사는 엘리베이터 없어서 캐리어 두개 올리느라 좀 힘들었지만 같은 학생들이 제방을 보고 제일 좋다고 하였습니다.
식사는 보스턴 곳곳에 학식을 먹을 수 있는 시설도 있었고 포인트도 쓸 수 있어서 일반 가게에서도 잘 먹을 수 있었습니다 그리고 한국음식점도 많고 정말 찾기 어려울 것 같은 한국음식들도 쉽게 찾을 수 있었어요!
기숙사도 마찬가지로 제가 운이 좋게도 아늑하고 화목한 기숙사에 들어가게 되어 매주 수요일마다 기숙사 파티도 하고 저녁도 같이 먹었어요 다들 친해서 식기도 같이 쓰고 지하에서 요리도 같이 하는등 너무 행복하게 잘 지냈습니다! 시설도 이쁘고 강을 볼수 있는 뷰여서 너무 이뻤습니다 ! 식사는 너무 훌륭하고 랍스터 데이도 잇어서 랍스터도 마음껏 먹었어요
너무 친절하게 신경써주신 덕분에 이쁜기숙사와 이쁜 풍경속에서 행복하게 어학연수 생활 하고 왔습니다
다행히두 어학원에 한국학생들이 별로 없어서 영어만 썼어요! 실력이 는지는 모르갰지만 ㅋㅋㅋ 자신감은 생겼어요!
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